Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Inconvenience of Voting

Yesterday, I - like many of you - sacrificed my time to take part it an historical election. You all know that my choice didn't win, but the 3 hours it took for me to vote was still worth it.

While we were in line, the question crossed my mind - "What is worth a sacrifice of time?"

Most people there were dressed for work. One woman even got a call from a client who was asking about their 10:00 appointment. I don't know what his attitude was, but hers was very simple: "You gotta vote. We'll have to reschedule." She made no apology for missing her appointment. I liked that.

And I wondered how often we're willing to do that for the Kingdom of God. Our citizenship in America is important. It's important enough to stand for 3 hours with a crying kid. It's important enough to give the shaft to a client. But our citizenship in God's Kingdom is even more important. How often am I willing to be inconvenienced for His sake? And for the sake of my fellow citizens, or the sake of the lost who still need to know what citizenship is?

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed that you stood in line for three hours to vote.

    I've been thinking about the latter part of your post as well... I've heard so much about the government among Christians the past couple of weeks, that I think we may have lost sight of our true home because we're thinking so much about our earthly home.


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