Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Just wanted to invite you all to take a look at the current issue of Evansville Parent magazine.

It's always full of fun and helpful articles, but I'm particularly interested to know your views on my article in this issue. It's on page 15.

Here's a link to the 2nd half of the magazine. My article will be on page 2 of this electronic copy.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

First Impressions

So, we've been here about 2 weeks. And I figured it was high time to get back to blogging. (Disclaimer: No promises here about how often I'll post at first, cause I still have boxes that need my attention, but it's getting significantly better!)

A few things have stuck out to me as first impressions while acclimating to the area:

1. It's super easy to find your way around here.

Pretty much everywhere I've ever gone has involved the interstate. You basically hop on and take it to your exit. Sure there are a couple of turns once you get off, but all in all, the interstate makes for a quick and easy drive.

Sometimes, it's too quick for my country-girl tastes. Coming from Indiana, I'm used to lots of open fields with 30 mph speed limits. The fastest limit in Evansville was 50 mph on the Lloyd. (The interstate up there doesn't count cause people only used it to leave town for the most part.) So, I get on 565 and see signs for 70 and it kinda freaks me out. Plus, I've never had to merge so much in my life.

2. Our apartment complex is awesome.
We have a huge lake that has been the highlight of our living experience so far. Nightly walks are a great way to get exercise when you're low on childcare. Ashlyn's taken quite a liking to the ducks, and Eve is convinced that she can call the beaver up to us by speaking Beaver language she learned by watching The Chronicles of Narnia too many times.

The complex is also in the process of renovations. Our interior renovation was complete before we moved in, but now we're scheduled to get a screened in porch sometime this summer.

The downfall of the apartment living is having a weird upstairs neighbor who vacuums at 9:30 at night and doesn't speak English.

3. There's actually stuff to do here.
Now, this may not be fair to Evansville. This could be just that I grew up in Indiana and take for granted stuff that goes on, but I doubt it.

It just seems like there's more culture here than Evansville has. This weekend, we went to an amazing art festival called Panoply. It was beyond fun.

Other interesting stuff includes The Big Read, Thursday Night Concerts, and Big Spring Jam.

Looks good to me.

4. My new church rocks.
Sundays are amazing. This goes without saying, as I get to worship God being led by the hottest leader ever. Not that worshiping God is about how hot the worship pastor is, but you know....

Plus, I'm super excited about the sermon series that I got to come into. It's called "New: the power of resurrection for today." I think that the single biggest grower in my recent faith journey has been learning and studying about my new identity in Christ and what it means to have him living through me. I'm geeked that this is the message that my pastors have chosen to preach starting on Easter.

So, am I liking it here? All in all, I'm down.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Clothes that Fit

The last few months, I've been hardcore about working out in order to (1) get in better shape, and (2) not be forced to buy a new wardrobe. I'm convinced that buying new clothes because you're fat is a big waste of money. I'd rather spend my money on the gym.

So, for a year, I was wearing a rotation of no more than 5 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans (actually, the 2nd pair, I only purchased in December, so most of the year was 1 pair of jeans).

But 2 months ago, I enlisted Blake at Bob's Gym to help me cut the blubber, and I couldn't be happier, as today, for the first time, I'm wearing pre-pregnancy clothes that fit again.

Okay, okay...they don't fit quite the same way. The waist of the jeans digs in a little and you can see a fat roll or two through my shirt. So, I still have a few inches to go. But I'm wearing them. And I am actually going to wear them in public!

The workout didn't just help my body shape and size, it also increased my fitness level. I went down 4% in fat percentage, I have better cardio health, and I increased my upper-body strength by 230% (based on a push-up test).

So, I owe a huge thanks to Blake for making my workouts challenging and fun, do-able and effective.