Sunday, October 21, 2007

How to Shower, Part Deux

Last week, Billy encouraged readers to take Navy Showers as part of the Blog Action Day campaign to save the Earth.

This week, we're experimenting with Kentucky Showers, which is the long-lost technique of bathing without actually getting more than 2 parts of your body wet at any given time. It is so named due to the similarity it has with back-wood Kentucky mountain dwellers' bathing patterns.

Something is mysteriously wrong with our hot-water heater, so today I thought I'd brave the cold shower. As I tested the water with my hand, I quickly realized that this was not bravery, but rather foolery that rivals the polar bear club.

So, rather than actually stepping into the stream of water, I simply bent over the tub to wash my hair. Washing my body was similar to that of a Navy Shower, except I learned that you don't actually have to be wet to get a good lather.

Rinsing was probably the only challenge, so after splashing handfuls of water from the faucet onto my body, I did finally turn the shower head on for 5 seconds. It was probably not worth it.

It seems Billy opted out of the process for today.


  1. Thanks Sarah! (in response to your comment on my blog)

    Hope your hot water is fixed soon... although it sounds like it's forced some creative thinking! :)

    When I was a kid and we had to take a shower before bedtime when we had a babysitter, we had this one sitter who timed us to see who could take the fastest shower. We thought it was fun, but now I think it was just her way of getting all that over with quickly so we would go to bed!

  2. That's reason number two for a Navy Shower aboard a Naval Ship. Ha ha...Good luck on the water heater!

  3. No hot water is a tough one, but what a way to wake up harshly! :)

  4. Showering is one experience that I expect to be great. Otherwise, I'd rather not do it. Hope you get the problem solved soon!
    Your shower reminds me of when I was a kid. I went through this elaborate ruse of fake showering so that my mom would think that I had actually showered. I would get the back of my hair wet and splash water all around the bathroom floor. So ridiculous! The trouble I went through to fake it! I'm a dork.

  5. Rachel,

    Yeah...that's a good attitude.

    We try to thank God for hardships because of the blessing that they uncover.


    "Thank you God for my broken hot water heater because it gave me a chance to use some creative thinking."

  6. Anonymous10:56 AM

    you're a dork!

    i'm glad we have a big huge freshwater lake just 5 miles east of us which we can share with 10 million people and there's plenty left over!

    second law of thermodynamics: things change but nothing is created or destroyed. water turns into vapor turns into clouds turns into rain falls into the lake where they pump it and clean it so it can be water in my tap that comes out of my shower which turns into vapor and as long as it doesn't mold my bathroom it goes out into the air and turns into clouds again.

    pinko-commie leftist water-savers! we don't live in the desert!!!

    (you know I am just joking on this stuff. I wouldn't ever call a friend a pinko-commie. ;)

    I am just sick of the hyper-environmentalism this year. next year it will be something else. this is all leading up to Gore's big hoopla-Presidential announcement. Bet me.

  7. Jenn,

    There's also the very real fact that it takes energy to clean the water and that it costs MY money for the use of water, the heating of the water, and the sewer costs that the water brings with it.

    Of course, my "Kentucky Showering" had nothing to do with conservation and everything to do with the fact that I prefer to not freeze my butt off in a heat-less shower.


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