Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hoy estaba un dia bueno!

Man! I need more days like today. I don't even know that I can explain how cool it was. We just chilled and stuff, but I also got stuff done. And things were just relaxed, until around 4:30, which is my normal freak out time. But then, I remembered that I forgot to take my stress pill as well as my clear-my-head-of-disorganized-mess pill this morning. I took those and made myself smile at Eve's dinner antics. Finally, they got to me. But it was okay.

We had so much fun. Eve drew that crazy elephant picture today. I was happy cause I knew what it was as soon as I looked at it, even before she was finished with it. I always feel so bad when I say something like, "Oh, is it a butterfly?" and she's all like, "No, it's a rhinoceros." So, usually I just say, "That's so cool. You did a really good job. What is it?" I'm not sure that's much more effective in not crashing her self-esteem, but I'm not sure how else to approach it.

While tucking her in, I was informed that she "agreed with Blake" that they could get married when they're grown-ups, which apparently means 21. She didn't quite know WHY she agreed with him on that. We had a talk about that, obviously. That was hard. How do you teach your 5 year old how awesome a good marriage should be and help her to understand the principle of being worth something without squashing childish play? So, it was light hearted, but I told her that they'd need to wait till they're older to be boyfriend and girlfriend. She was super cute about the whole thing.

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