Monday, October 24, 2005

Sunrises and Flames

I love newness, which perhaps is why I get bored so easily. When something can capture my mind, though, boredom never seems to call.

Billy and I tried to watch a sunrise this weekend. We woke early, while it was still dark. It was also still very cold. Turning onto Ojibway, we found a dock, then sat huddled in our coats that suddenly weren't warm enough. The sunrise never really appeared. We realized after a time that the sky had never shown its angelfire for us to worship over. But the morning came, as it always does, and soon the sky was bright, though overcast.

Our hands were freezing as we got back in his car. And the coffee felt good going down. Our bodies needed heat...some outside source to alter us. Our hearts, though, were warmed already through the growing flames of love.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Olsen twins...

...or triplets???

Thursday, October 13, 2005

My Little Apple Dumpling

The Newest Countdown

One weekend, 2 days of classes, 1 Bible study = total of 6 days.

"I'm always countin down, cuz there ain't no easier way.
Trust me, you know that I tried
And if I said it's easy, then you know I told a lie
I'm gonna be alright;
I'm gonna be just fine."

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Mystic Theurge
44% Combativeness, 10% Sneakiness, 58% Intellect, 69% Spirituality
Brilliant and spiritual! You are a Mystic Theurge!
Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you've fulfilled certain requirements. This may mean that you're an exceptionally talented person, but it probably doesn't.
The Mystic Theurge is a combination of a cleric and a mage. They can cast both arcane and divine spells, and are good at both, making them pretty terrifying on the battlefield. They have more raw spellpower than just about any other class.
You're both intelligent and faithful, but not violent or deceitful. I guess that makes you a pretty good person.

The Sands of Time

Time continually passes, so why do my days seem to last forever? I miss Billy incredibly right now.

"Down the middle drops one more grain of sand." --Jack Johnson.

I have just a week's worth of sand left until my hour glass can't take any more.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hoy estaba un dia bueno!

Man! I need more days like today. I don't even know that I can explain how cool it was. We just chilled and stuff, but I also got stuff done. And things were just relaxed, until around 4:30, which is my normal freak out time. But then, I remembered that I forgot to take my stress pill as well as my clear-my-head-of-disorganized-mess pill this morning. I took those and made myself smile at Eve's dinner antics. Finally, they got to me. But it was okay.

We had so much fun. Eve drew that crazy elephant picture today. I was happy cause I knew what it was as soon as I looked at it, even before she was finished with it. I always feel so bad when I say something like, "Oh, is it a butterfly?" and she's all like, "No, it's a rhinoceros." So, usually I just say, "That's so cool. You did a really good job. What is it?" I'm not sure that's much more effective in not crashing her self-esteem, but I'm not sure how else to approach it.

While tucking her in, I was informed that she "agreed with Blake" that they could get married when they're grown-ups, which apparently means 21. She didn't quite know WHY she agreed with him on that. We had a talk about that, obviously. That was hard. How do you teach your 5 year old how awesome a good marriage should be and help her to understand the principle of being worth something without squashing childish play? So, it was light hearted, but I told her that they'd need to wait till they're older to be boyfriend and girlfriend. She was super cute about the whole thing.

Eve's latest Picasso impression.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Classic Evansville

If anyone should want to come visit me, be sure that you ask me to take you to the free market on Stratford Road. Yeah...this is a neighborhood that I drive though on my way to work, and today was the best. Outside of one house, there was a console TV being given away. Three houses down and across the street sat a free toilet. I'm loving this town.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


So, this was a good Sunday.

Worship was good, and Pastor David gave my favorite comment: "God is not an American. He's not even a Westerner." I can't quite recall how that fit into Eph. 1, but I'm glad that it did. Cause I wish Americans would remember that sometimes.

After church, we went to my parents' house, and I found out that my mom had tickets to the Big Bad Voodoo Daddy concert. It was sweet. For the first hour, the Philharmonic orchestra played. It was good, but I was eager for BBVD to come out. Obviously, the second half of the concert rocked. I was just wishing that I'd had a swing partner cause they told people that the ushers wouldn't stop them from dancing in the aisles.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Eve's Birthday. Blowing out candles is apparently harder than I remembered. Punk Rawk cake by Sarah. Message to my man by Christina.