Thursday, August 07, 2008

Declutter Challenge!

August is the month for the Declutter Challenge over at My Simpler Life.  The goal is simple: declutter 1 item a day throughout the month of August.  Post about it every week, and be entered to win organizing tools.

So, here we go....

This week I decluttered:

August 1: Baby bath seat
August 2: an area rug we no longer need
August 3: CD cases/liner notes (I kept interesting photos from them  for craft projects, then I threw the rest of them away)
August 4: box of items that I'd already designated for donating, but never took
August 5: threw away papers that had clutter up the kitchen table
August 6: computer table got a quick once over
August 7: took some dashboard wipes from the house to the car

I don't have pictures this week, but I hope it still counts.  Things have been hectic... hence the lack of posting.  We had an injury that required some emergency room care, but don't worry.  She'll be fine!


  1. Good job. This is a great challenge and I am excited to see all that are joining in and sharing along with encouragement! :)

  2. Hey Sarah

    Good job - you're doing awesome :)

    You still win even if you don't win LOL because you've gotten rid of some stuff!!! Yayyy

  3. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Hurray you finished week 1 well. Doesn't that feel so good? Good luck for the rest of week 2 in accomplishing your decluttering goal.


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