Monday, June 02, 2008

Beautiful Day

I'm about to unveil the extent of my dorkiness. Mark this day on your calendars, it won't happen again. Billy will love this. He accuses me of always wanting to look cool and not doing fun things because I'll look like a dork. He's right. But here, in all my dorkdom, let me tell you about my beautiful day.

As you faithful readers know, I've been gearing up to be organized. With a new baby and selling a house, schedules flew out the window. But now that we're fairly settled in the new place, I've been aiming to get some structure back in our lives. Oh, my gosh! Is it ever glorious!

Last night, I spent some much-needed time planning my week. I use Google Cal, and I have 4 calendars that I keep. Here's what my week looked like online:

So, here, I have my green events, my red reminders (i.e. anything Billy doesn't need cluttering up his calendar view), my purple meal planning, and Eve's pink. Google rocks and e-mails me one agenda for the day to print out and reference.

The day was highly organized, highly productive, and highly full of scheduled fun (and delicious food, I might add).

Commenting on my brilliant rigidity may now commence.


  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Welcome to the 'Clip-board of fun'. It is a way of life. Learn it, love it and live it.

    Tom in EVV

  2. Anonymous11:25 PM

    I love you so much!

    Dude, no one rocks the dorkiness like you do :)

    But seriously - this is awesome. And your food is yummy.

  3. Leave it to Tom to mention the "Clip board of Fun" You are definitely your father's daughter. And So am I. I love Google Calendar. I use it all the time. I would go crazy if I didn't. I would also go crazy if I had to keep 4 calendars.

  4. But the 4 calendars is actually awesome because I can access them all from my normal google account. I log in once and I can organize which calendar to put an event on. The color coding really helps the "at a glance" day planning.

  5. i just went and started my own google calendar:)
    Mine isn't as full as yours. Once the kiddos are bigger, though, i'm sure mine will be significantly more full then.

  6. I had no idea you didn't like to do dorky stuff! That's why you had me do the funky dance for my coffee slushy thing at Borders!! Love your calendar and am going to go and do my own. I only hope it is as special as yours. :)


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