Thursday, April 03, 2008

Clothes that Fit

The last few months, I've been hardcore about working out in order to (1) get in better shape, and (2) not be forced to buy a new wardrobe. I'm convinced that buying new clothes because you're fat is a big waste of money. I'd rather spend my money on the gym.

So, for a year, I was wearing a rotation of no more than 5 shirts and 2 pairs of jeans (actually, the 2nd pair, I only purchased in December, so most of the year was 1 pair of jeans).

But 2 months ago, I enlisted Blake at Bob's Gym to help me cut the blubber, and I couldn't be happier, as today, for the first time, I'm wearing pre-pregnancy clothes that fit again.

Okay, okay...they don't fit quite the same way. The waist of the jeans digs in a little and you can see a fat roll or two through my shirt. So, I still have a few inches to go. But I'm wearing them. And I am actually going to wear them in public!

The workout didn't just help my body shape and size, it also increased my fitness level. I went down 4% in fat percentage, I have better cardio health, and I increased my upper-body strength by 230% (based on a push-up test).

So, I owe a huge thanks to Blake for making my workouts challenging and fun, do-able and effective.


  1. That is so encouraging! Good for you!
    i never got back down to my pre-pregnancy size, in fact i gained weight, but am determined after i have this next baby to get in shape.
    Good job having the strength to see it through!

  2. good for you! you are an inspiration! :)

  3. i tagged you for a meme today! If you'd care to participate, please do!

  4. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I'm really proud of you. I know you've worked hard.

  5. Anonymous9:25 PM

    WAY TO GO!

  6. You look fabulous! Sweat, sweat, sweat...!

  7. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Go Sarah!!

  8. Anonymous4:55 PM

    you go girl. you just, GO.

    tom and i got this DVD program we did that is awesome. excellent results but it was like an hour and a half a day commitment....we plan to start it back up again. Well, I do.

    i am going to email you since i can't call you since i don't know your number. i have news that for the life of me i have no idea why i haven't told you yet...


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